Hopefully you have had to a chance to consider joining my February Fitness Challenge. This initiative challenges you to complete at least 15 minutes of exercise everyday for the whole month of February. I decided to do this challenge for my own personal benefit, but also to help my patients and the all clients of Cornerstone experience the mental and physical benefits of daily exercise. The previous recommendation of 30 minutes 3 times per week is outdated and has been shown to be woefully inadequate. New government guidelines suggest 60 minutes most days of the week!
So this contest includes any client of Cornerstone Health who commits one act of fitness everyday throughout the month of February (minimum 15 minutes). An exercise log must be submitted at the end of the month (either through email, or in person) and a name will be drawn from the eligible entries. The winner will receive $100 for use at Cornerstone for any product or service from any practitioner. As promised, my exercise log will be posted weekly on the Cornerstone site for your reading pleasure. Good luck!
Wednesday, February 1st: Today I had commitments from 8am until 9pm and only managed a 30 minute walk/jog with my dog Louisiana (Weezie for short) (moderate)
Thursday, February 2nd: 30 minute walk with Weezie (easy) and 60 minute spinning class (intense) at my gym, Staying Alive Fitness in Acton.
Friday, February 3rd: 60 minute yoga at Studio 2 in Georgetown (moderate)
Saturday, February 4th: 60 minute “Box-fit” class at Staying Alive (intense)
Sunday, February 5th: 60 minute brisk walk with Weezie (sore back from yesterday’s exercise)
How’s your fitness log coming along?