February can feel like the longest month. Many of us hibernate, eat comfort food and spend too much time in front the t.v. Unfortunately this usually leads to weight gain, low mood and lethargy – and eventually a trip to your Naturopath’s office in the spring to complain about how you are feeling. To beat the February blahs, consider joining a group of healthy and like-minded individuals for our February Fitness Challenge. This challenge is designed for all ages and fitness levels. Basically it works like this – you sign up by emailing me at info@cornerstonehealth.ca indicating your desire to participate. Then, for 28 consecutive days, you record your exercise. At the end of the 28 days you can email or drop off your exercise log for my review. You will then be entered in a draw for a $100 gift certificate for any service or product at Cornerstone Health Centre.
So here are the rules:
You must be a patient of Cornerstone Health Centre to participate.
Your exercise must be dedicated (ie: shopping at the mall, vaccuuming doesn’t count) and last a minimum of 15 minutes (there is no maximum). It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do – for example walking, skiing, hiking, weight lifting, skating, curling, dancing, yoga, running etc. all count equally as long as you sustain the activity for 15 minutes.
You may start your challenge any day in February up to and including the 15th, and end no later than March 14th for a total of 28 days.
You must submit your exercise log to Cornerstone by March 20th. The draw will take place March 21st.
Sound like a fun challenge? Last year’s participants really felt good about their efforts and reaped the rewards of daily activity. They say it takes 28 days to create a habit, but we’re not taking any chances with our 28 day challenge! Follow Dr. Meier’s blog and watch her weekly fitness entries for inspiration. Feel free to add a comment to her blog and let us know how you are doing.
Good luck!